Friday, December 28, 2012

Still Alive

I want to prove that I'm doing art, despite the easiness of getting super lazy over Christmas break! I'm still working on the Wreck-it Ralph thing (Seen it three times, now.. :P), and I don't want to post any WIP until it's done, because I feel like at this point it'll just be a major spoiler. So. Here's my latest comic page, instead! :D You can also read the rest of the comic which I update whenever I get a stupid and/or brilliant idea here!

...But yeah. My brother and I got a fantastic case of food poisoning on Tuesday night, so I wasn't very productive at all for the last couple of days.. Worst. Ever. Like, it was kind of funny at first, but then it started hurting and then it really started hurting. Hah.. I don't recommend it. Just saying. Anyway. 

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