Sunday, December 16, 2012

Probably too much.

Wreck-It Ralph was phenomenal!! I can't remember the last time I watched a movie so thoroughly and consistently entertaining. I mean. Born-in-mid-90s and 2000s kids would enjoy it purely for it the appeal of the characters and story and all the goofiness, but it was like they decided to put together everything they ever loved about their childhoods and smashed it all into one fantastic joy-flavored pie. And nothing is better than pie. :D And Paperman! It was gorgeous! Ugh. No words.

Anyway. Here's some jank I did earlier this semester using a trial version of Corel Painter 12. That stuff's miracle-shiz. I want it like a fat kid wants cake. 

Annnnd this is a Layout assignment bit I did for Intro to 2D in SAI.

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