Saturday, July 27, 2013

You guys...

...Life is hard.

It's so easy to make bad decisions, and really you have no idea how one small misstep can take you down an entirely different road you never dreamed you'd end up on. It's easy to get depressed, to focus on the negative, to blind yourself to the good. Life is so good. It's so beautiful.. But it's so easy to forget all that. Please, please, please.. Whatever you do, don't give up.. Don't let discouragement and depression take you down. Remember who you are, and who you know you can be at your very best. Remember the good days, the happiness, the blessings, because in times of darkness, you'll be overwhelmingly tempted to believe they barely ever happened at all..

The world is filled with love. It comes from places and people you'd never expect it to, and I'm learning that it's not just about recognizing it when it's there and holding fast to it—It's about being ready for it. Because you don't necessarily have control over whether it stays or leaves. You have control over you—no more, no less. If you're not ready for love, no matter how hopeful or desirous for it you are, it will not be able to long abide with you, and not because it doesn't love you. It cannot abide with you because Love needs Light.

Cherish light. Light is what you should hold fast to. Light invites, entertains, loves Love. Light prepares, changes, molds, builds. Believe in God and His love for you. Let his light become you, and when the time comes that Love knocks, you will be ready, and you won't have to hold on to it, because it won't have any reason to leave. Love seeks light. Be light.


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